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Gap is located in the southwestern part of France.
It is the capital (prefecture)
of the department Hautes Alpes (05)
part of the region Provence Alpes Côtes d'Azur.

Located at an altitude of 625 m to 2360 m
it is one of the highest alpine towns in Europe
and the highest prefecture town of France.

The city's rich cultural heritage is evident in its impressive Château de Gap,
the Musée du Vieux Gap, and the numerous artisan workshops that line its streets.

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Rent Appartments from Gap

Gap is also known for
Urban History Museum

Books about Gap
in French and English

To find people of companies
from Gap
please go to
Phone Book of the World

Tourist and Travel information
can be found in the
Phone Book of the World /

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View on the View on Gap , photo by OT Gap Tallard Vallées